HOW can you recover and go again quickly? Those doing the Centurion Grand Slam this year are facing an even bigger challenge than usual in that due to COVID their 4 x 100 mile events are now roughly a month apart!
We wanted to do a whole episode on recovery in the future, but for our episode this week after some great chats with grand slammers w...
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I’m going to let you into a little secret about being a successful ultra-runner….
There is no is merely a ton of hard work, dedication and a bucket load of flexibility. Many of us have proved this year that we can be flexible when we need to. That we can still be dedicated when goals have moved or disappeared, that races have change...
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Over the past three weeks ‘Run to the Hills’ has reviewed two races. In episode 01 we covered the North Downs Way 100 and in episode 03 out this weekend we review the Hardmoors 110 / 160.
In both races we saw a high percentage of dnf (did not finish). I’m sure there are many factors including not being able to train as normal with the present vi...
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Over the past few months as all our races have been cancelled it has highlighted what motivates us to run. All over social media runners have been saying that their mojo to get out and train has gone as their main goals for the year have been taken from them.
It is good to recognise that however motivated you are to run there will be times when ...
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Over the past few weeks some ultra-races have started again including the Centurion race, North Downs Way 100, which our podcast ‘Run to the Hills’ features in Series 2 Episode 1. The content is also available on our new YouTube Channel ‘Run to the Hills’ so you have a choice to just listen or watch the interviews … or both!!
We interviewed the ...
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In the grand scheme of things, we can all agree that races being cancelled probably isn't the worst thing to happen in 2020. With that out of the way, we can all also agree that it doesn't make it any less miserable when you find yourself stuck at home, when you should be bombing down the side of a hill with a number on your chest.
Fortunately w...
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There's no denying that a great big hill or mountain can turn what would otherwise be a pretty average trail into an exhilarating (and exhausting) thing of beauty. But with those added views comes an added challenge.
Simply put hills are hard work. It doesn't matter whether your racing or training, a tough uphill section can make or break your r...
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As restrictions have started to be lifted a little bit, giving us a taste of the outdoors once again it's only natural that many of us are starting to think about making up for lost time and planning wild and wonderful adventures for when this all done and dusted.
And really there's no better time to start planning for a challenge, than now whi...
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Sometimes a cliche is just a tired and hackneyed expression and other times it's a nugget of wisdom. The old coaches favourite of it's not how hard you train but how hard you recover is one of those nugget cliches.
Deep down we all know that recovery is important, that's why we try to get lots of sleep and eat our veggies. But with many of us ei...
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One of the main reasons we all fell head over heels for trail running is that it allows us to get out and see the world in all of its glory. The coastlines, the lakes, the forests and the mountains that otherwise might pass us by, are all at our feet.
However all this beauty doesn't come easy, especially when it comes to those pesky hills and mo...
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If you're anything like me, you've spent the last couple of weeks creating list after list of every peak you want to summit, fell you want to run and race you want to enter. Some of you might of even thought about getting into a whole new discipline, maybe one that's fast paced, muddy and wild. Maybe Fell Running. So we reached out to Fell Runni...
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Running is a fantastic way to get and stay fit. It requires no equipment, can be done anywhere completely on your own and works for all fitness levels. It is also great fun once you get started, so here are 5 tips to do just that.
1. Start with what you've got
One of my favourite things about running is that it requires nothing more than a comfo...
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