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Tips and Motivation

5 moves for strength and conditioning

5 moves for strength and conditioning

We’ve all been there: you’re in a race, working hard, giving it your all, when someone floats past you looking totally comfortable and effortless. There are loads of potential factors for that person’s performance but I’d be willing to bet that one of them is strength and conditioning work. It’s something that many runners neglect because, well,...
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Locking down your Lockdown fitness

Locking down your Lockdown fitness

I can't be the only one who was hoping that all this extra time on our hands (no commuting being one of the few perks of this whole malarkey) would mean that I could get in those extra runs. I'd envisioned myself going out twice a day, once at sunrise and again as it's starting to set. However last night's new announcement threw a slight spanner...
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9 Tips for Starting Trail Running

9 Tips for Starting Trail Running

With all that's going on at the moment, it seems like there has never been a better time to get out and explore your local trails. For a start they're much fresher, more fun and prettier than the treadmill in your local gym. The mix of adrenaline, lung busting climbs and beautiful views is a hell of a combination! But it can be a little overwhel...
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A sensible guide to running.

A sensible guide to running.

With races being cancelled and pasta, that classic staple of many a runner, disappearing from the shelves along with toilet paper, it looks like us runners are going to be in for at the very least, a tough few weeks.  Along with everyone else of course. But just because we need to taking more precautions to help curtail the spread of the Corona ...
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Reasons to Love Running through Storm Dennis

Reasons to Love Running through Storm Dennis

So far this month has not been an easy one for us runners we've been battered first by Storm Ciara which scuppered many a training run and cancelled more than a few races and now by Storm Dennis.  The weather may be grim and there seems to less runners out each miserable morning. But you don't need to be beaten, with just a decent pair waterproo...
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How to own the off season.

How to own the off season.

Eventually every year the temperature starts to drop and those long summer nights, where you can run for hours after work, pass us by for another year. On the surface, it's easy to look at this as a bad thing for your running, but off season offers up a whole new host of benefits and challenges to take on. Here are six simple tips to help you st...
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It's as easy as ABC

It's as easy as ABC

When you first start out running, it feels like you can't lace up your trainers without breaking a personal best of some sort or other. It doesn't matter whether it's the furthest you've ever run, a fastest time or even something a little less tangible like the most technical course you've ever done, when you are starting out you get better quic...
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Running in the Rain

Running in the Rain

It's June and I really shouldn't be having to write about running in the rain, but alas here we are. The weather is miserable and the amount of runners I see out each morning is depleting with each successively grim day. With some decent waterproofs though running in the rain doesn't need to be something to shy away from. Don't believe me? Here ...
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How to pack for a Multi Day event

How to pack for a Multi Day event

  Running can be stressful enough, having to worry about navigation, the weather and niggling aches, but none of that compares to the stress of packing a race bag. You want to pack everything and then spares for everything you've already packed but then you weigh you're bulging bag and realise running with 10kg for 20 plus miles is no fun at all...
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The Story of Chia Charge

The Story of Chia Charge

The year was 2012, the Olympics were coming to the UK for the first time since the 40s and absolutely everyone it seemed was mad for fitness. I however was not amongst them, instead I was deskbound working in a food business working too many hours a week. But inevitably the fitness bug managed to work it's way into my life and I fell for runnin...
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Tapering Madness

Tapering Madness

I love running races, especially the longer ones, but honestly the stress of trying to taper properly used to be enough for me to almost swear off Marathons for good! That is until I took the time to come up with a simple plan for easing back on distance and intensity ahead of a race, instead of just playing it by ear, which never worked for me....
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No from Ride London

No from Ride London

There's no two ways about it, Ride London is a biggie. Thought of by most as one of the most enjoyable 100 milers you can do, especially in the UK, that is if you can get a spot in the first place. Which is a lot easier said than done, but don't despair if you didn't get one of the coveted spots - Chia Charge is here for you, with a few fun Ride...
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