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May 07, 2020

If you're anything like me, you've spent the last couple of weeks creating list after list of every peak you want to summit, fell you want to run and race you want to enter. Some of you might of even thought about getting into a whole new discipline, maybe one that's fast paced, muddy and wild. Maybe Fell Running. 

So we reached out to Fell Running fanatic and Team GB Mountain Runner Eve Pannone to find out her top tips for taking up this great sport. 


Listen to the Run to the Hills Podcast with Eve here. 

1. Sign Up For A Race

This might sound obvious but without it all the other steps are just hypothetical. For your first fell race, find one that's going to be tough but finishable, ideally with terrain you can either replicate or train on directly in the run up and get your name down. That way you have both something to train towards and what's more your committed.




2.  Get Used to the Kit

 Mountains can be dangerous and unpredictable places, you might set out in bright sunshine and find yourself sheltering from heavy snowfall by the top. That's why Fell Races, like most trail races have an essential kit list that you must carry at all times. 

  • Headtorch 
  • Map and compass
  • Whistle
  • Emergency blanket
  • Waterproof jacket and trousers (with taped seams and hood)
  • Emergency rations (A Chia Charge Flapjack usually works)
  • Spare thermal layer
  • Hat / cap / gloves

You don't have to spend a fortune on this stuff, but get it early and get used to using and carrying it. 

3. Get in those Hills

This might be easier said than done for some of us at the moment, but Fell Races are run on the fells and that means hills, lots of them. Train your legs and your lungs for the uphills and practice, practice, practice when it comes to the downhills. 

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4. Finally don't be scared to Walk 

We've said this a hundred times before but a big part of running in the hills is walking. Sometimes it's just faster and much more efficient than running, don't believe us, go watch any tough Fell Race and you'll see plenty of folks conserving their energy on the toughest sections.  

Also in Tips and Motivation

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