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January 12, 2016

The Lakeland 100/50 has now become so popular to enter, a number of people take the day off, so that they can be at the computer pressing the enter button to be sure of an entry.

If you fancy a great day out in the lakes and a hassle free and free entry for 2017, come and help us on the Chia Charge CP.

I'm hoping to make some new friends this year so please get in touch (email me at timtaylor@chiacharge.co.uk)

The Chia Charge Checkpoint is (weather permitting) outside a very quaint and old village hall in Howtown, far from anywhere and we had a great time in 2015 with Lisa, Jane, Michelle, Tom, Zoe, Billy, Mike and Annette.

Location: Round the corner from Howtown Hotel. 

 Nearest postcode: CA10 2ND

Below is an extract from Mike Raffans UltraMiker blog, so you can get a feel for the type of thing you could be doing.

It was a thoroughly great day and thankfully it didnt rain so we were outside most of the time. I allocated myself on directing the cattle as they came in, you would believe the amount of people that didnt seem to realize they had to dibb in at the checkpoint.

The most memorable point of the day was when a runner (later to be named Anna Roberts) turned up looking a bit sheepish since she had left the checkpoint about an hour and a half previous. She had found a runner on the next hill (the steepest of the race) who was not feeling well, she walked with her the 3 miles back to the checkpoint. She waited about another hour before we managed to persuade her she will have just enough time to get to the next checkpoint within the cut offs and off she went. Sadly she got timed out later in the race but she knows if she hadn't lost that 2 plus hour she would have easily made it. Words were had with the race directors and Anna has been given a free entry for next years race and good luck to her.


With thanks to Mike Raffan from his blog UltraMiker

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