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April 22, 2014

Please could you introduce yourself? What events do you take part in?

Hi my names nick Blackwell I'm 23 and I'm a professional middleweight boxer. I started off fighting as an unlicensed fighter from the age of 16. I should have taken the ABA (Amateur Boxing Association) route so I could have attended the Olympics but didn't know the difference between the two at the time.


I had my first fight after 4 months of training and actually fought twice in one night as someone pulled out! I won both by knockout. My unlicensed record went to 18 wins no losses with 16 by stoppage. I suppose that's where I got my nickname "Bang Bang".

I turned pro when I was 18 and as I didn't have a ABA background I've had it the hard way by being thrown into the deep end, but I'm now ranked 6th in Britain at my weight and am in the mix for some big domestic fights!

What do you see as your biggest achievement to date as an athlete? Do you have any personal goals you are working towards?

My biggest achievement is probably being the youngest English middleweight champ at the age of 19. Boxing has given me discipline, attitude and success. My aim is to win the British title outright and to fight and win a world title!

What is a training session like for you? Where do you train?

I do a lot of different training so I'm fully prepared for a 12 round fight. I do a lot of sprints, runs, padwork, hard sparring and conditioning training with crossfit civitas in Melksham. I do all my boxing training in Trowbridge, Wiltshire and do travel all around the world for the best quality sparring.

What’s the hardest thing you face in training for fights? What keeps you going?

I tend to either get injures with my hands or flu from when I've got to make weight and my immune system really goes down! I think if you don't get any of these you haven't trained hard enough or you've just been really lucky! 

Can you tell us about your favourite Chia Charge products and how you will use them in your training and events?

I think I'm addicted to the Chia Charge flapjacks! Every athlete will crave a bit of sugar as it's something we shouldn't eat but these flapjacks are packed full of goodies and get rid of those cravings and taste pretty good!! I use the Flapjack before or after a hard session gives me that boost I need!

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