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February 19, 2020

So far this month has not been an easy one for us runners we've been battered first by Storm Ciara which scuppered many a training run and cancelled more than a few races and now by Storm Dennis. 

The weather may be grim and there seems to less runners out each miserable morning. But you don't need to be beaten, with just a decent pair waterproofs running in the rain can be a joy! Don't believe me?

Here are four reasons to love running in the rain. 

1. Head Down - Hood Up

The thought of getting wrapped up and stepping out that front door in the middle of a storm can be fairly uninviting. But once you're out there and a mile or so in however, that all starts to change. lose yourself in that constant drip drop of the rain fall on your hood and the howl of the wind focus on your running better than you ever could with a pair of headphones. There's nothing else quite like it.


2. It's Quieter

Lets face it, most folks plain just don't like being out in the rain. So at the first signs of a downpour the trails and pavements, that are normally a nightmare to weave your way through, empty up real quick. Meaning that you can get in that run completely uninterrupted without having to worry avoiding that pushchair on your next sprint interval.    

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3. You're Getting an Edge

I once heard that Daley Thompson used to train twice on Christmas day just because he knew that no one else would be and that idea of training when your competition isn't has always stuck with me.

Now I'm pretty sure that Daley could of easily scheduled Christmas Day to fall on a rest day or even on a easy training day. But he chose to do those sessions on his own to make him tougher.

Running in the wind and the rain is just like that it, it means that when you stand on the start line you know you haven't taken any short cuts or the easy way out. Even if the only person you are competing against is yourself.   

4. It Might be Raining on Race Day 

Even if all of your races are in the height of summer, you can't predict what the weather will throw at on race day. We've all done races in the middle of winter where sunburn is more of a concern than frost bite and others in mid summer where hypothermia is more of a concern (especially during the nights).

The only way to know how to handle the worst that mother nature can offer is to train in the elements regardless what it's doing outside. Just think of each wet and cold training sessions as recce runs, but instead of scouting out the terrain you are scouting out how you and your kit will hold up in the bad weather.  

So get out there and enjoy the wet weather before it's sunny again!

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