Over the past few months as all our races have been cancelled it has highlighted what motivates us to run. All over social media runners have been saying that their mojo to get out and train has gone as their main goals for the year have been taken from them.
It is good to recognise that however motivated you are to run there will be times when that motivation goes up and down. It will wane as other things in our lives take over.
Runners have panicked but it is good to remember that we don’t always have to be super motivated all the time.
Most of us are outcome driven with races to train for, goals to achieve but it is also good to recognise that we don’t always need to be like that.
It is important to be kind to ourselves and understand that our motivation will come back. Maybe it is time to do something different. Try a different form of exercise or get out for a run or walk without worrying about the pace or distance.
It is also interesting to identify what does motivate you. Broadly we are either externally motivated or intrinsically motivated.
Over lockdown with many external motivations taken away externally motivated runners have found it harder to keep running. Many have set their own goals whether that is taking part in one of the many virtual races that have been very popular.
It is good to identify what motivates you and plan accordingly so you can continue to keep fit and healthy.
Some final things to consider
On this week’s ‘Run to the Hills’ podcast and on our YouTube channel hosts Edwina Sutton and John Kynaston discuss motivation on their Top Tip section. They would love to hear from you with your tips on keeping motivated especially during lockdown. The best answer will receive a box of 20 flapjacks.
Deadline for entries 5pm Thursday 27th August 2020
Youtube, facebook community and podcast links below, let us know what you think?