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Thanks Annette Raffan, who writes a cool vegan blog called My Dandelion Mind who has allowed me to publish a couple of her posts.
Overnight porridge is amazing and you should totally try it if you haven’t done so yet. It’s so easy to do – just shove everything in a bowl and put in the fridge overnight. I much prefer it to traditional hot porridge. You can pretty much have anything you want in or on it. My favourite things to have on it are fruit, nuts and seeds and awesome chocolate cashew cream. I got the recipe originally from Terry Hope Romero‘s book ‘Salad Samurai.’ It’s a gorgeous book but this is the only thing I have made from it so far.
I have changed the recipe slightly, more to reflect my own tastes and you can further mix and match things to get awesome raw porridge and sauce to enjoy. This is for one person and is a fairly hearty portion to keep you going til lunch.
The chocolate cashew sauce is best made in a larger batch. It’s not difficult but you don’t want to be making it every night. It keeps a few days in the fridge. It’s so good with many things.
Top Tip: Waste Not Want Not
Now I don’t know about you but I hate wastage.
Once you’ve blended all your chocolate cream and scooped and scraped as much as you can out the blender, yet still there’s loads in there, add 1/2 cup of your chosen milk, whizz it up for a few minutes and voila – a clean blender and your own delicious chocolate milkshake!
This is a really simple and convenient way to add more chia seeds to your diet!
The seeds will take 10-20 minutes to hydrate
You are making a real food drink with real food, so it might take a tiny bit of attention and a few extra seconds, but like anything once you've worked out your system, it will become second nature.