Greetings, everyone! This is Tim, from Chia Charge. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Many runners run their easy runs too hard and their hard runs too easy."
Reflecting on this old but gold piece of wisdom I thought I would refresh my knowledge on how to look after matters following a big event (prior to what seems like an annual outing at...
Read More A very wise Ann Trason once said that “ultra marathons are just an eating and drinking competition with a little bit of running thrown in” and I couldn’t agree more, which is one of the main reasons I got into the sport in the first place. I love food.
The biggest breakthroughs for me in ultrarunning have always come through a direct progression with my race food. Everyone is different, some surviving on pork pies alone, others chomping through 40-50 gels in a 100 mile race.
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So, you've decided to run a marathon! You've done your research, found the event you want to do, and made sure that you're in good enough shape and have enough time to train for it. But before finalizing your training plan, here are some myths that you should know about and avoid so that your marathon experience will be a fun one:
Myth #1 - N...
Read More Getting hydrated and staying that was is a great place too be for all sorts of reasons, you’ll feel better and more energised. Feeling tired, getting dizzy or lacking energy could be signs of dehydration, so it’s worth paying attention to your fluid intake.
Getting your hydration right can have so many great effects on your body, skin, energy levels and overall health so it’s worth thinking about it and trying to add a few tactics everyday to your health improvement plans.
Read More Chia Charge Soya Crispies
Welcome to Chia Charge's Soya Crispies Page!
What Makes Our Protein Crispies Great?
80% Protein, Very Low Fat: Our Soya Protein Crispies are a powerhouse of plant-based nutrition, boasting an impressive 80% protein content while keeping the fat levels exceptionally low. This makes them an ideal snack for anyone look...
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work in progress, we haven't totally finished this page yet!!!
Welcome to Chia Charge's Peanut Butter Powder Page!
What Makes Our Peanut Butter Powder Special?
Unbeatable Flavour, One single Ingredient: We're all about delivering bold, natural flavours with a no-nonsense approach. Our peanut butter powder is made from the finest roasted pea...
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If anyone hasn’t heard of the Lyke Wake, it is a linear 40 mile crossing from Osmotherley to Ravenscar that includes all terrains including trail, a little bit of road, moors and hills.
This is an old school classic North Yorkshire Moors event which has been refreshed and adopted by Darlington based Quakers Running Club
(above starting at 4...
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Your brain is pretty sneaky at the best of times, but right now it can be downright treacherous. It will work really hard to convince you that you don't 'need' to go for that run, when could stay at home, surrounded by warmth, food and comfort.
This thought process is a hardwired protect...
Read More The thought of running at night can be a daunting for anyone, regardless of skill level. Understandably too, it's cold, dark and at this time of year it's also wet more often than not, but don't let that put you off. Not only is running in the dark pretty much a must if you want to train this winter (and have a day job) but with a little prep ni...
Read More The London Marathon is at the top of a lot of runners and non runners bucket lists and with good reason. There really is no other event like it anywhere else, a perfect combination of a madcap festival and a super serious sporting event.
London Marathon 2024: Sunday 21st April
As the big day gets ever closer we thought we'd put together the ulti...
Read More Got a 24 hour event or a backyard ultra coming up? You've come to the right place for some top tips.
Sarah Perry completed 41 laps and a massive 170 miles at the Rasselbock BYU in Sherwood Forest March 2024.
We are super grateful for Sarah for writing us the tip sheet for Backyard Ultras, having just won a previous event in Northumberland in 20...
Read More Stretching after a run is not just a good idea—it's essential for keeping your body in tip-top shape. But hey, we get it. Sometimes you finish a run, and the last thing you want to do is go through a whole stretching routine.
That's where we come in, mates! We've got your back with the lowdown on the six best stretches to do post-run. Stick with...
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