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Tips and Motivation

More or Less? Is there a Perfect Balance of Nutrition and Training?

More or Less? Is there a Perfect Balance of Nutrition and Training?

   Ever wondered how elite athletes keep raising the bar? Their winning strategy doesn't just include rigorous training routines but also meticulous attention to nutrition. Their training intensity dictates their dietary needs, with a bit of choreography between their training programme and meal plan.   Let's take Jane as our "imaginary friend"...
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Fighting Fatigue

Fighting Fatigue

On paper The Spine, the 268 mile foot race across the Pennine Way should be the most boring sporting event of the year. It's long and the course isn't exactly spectator friendly (freezing cold and spread out runners aren't a perfect match). Instead it's arguably one of the most exciting Ultra Races going with 1000's of dedicated dot watchers and...
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Recharge for the New Year: Looking Forward to Getting Back to Running

Recharge for the New Year: Looking Forward to Getting Back to Running

  Introduction The holidays are nearly over and for many of us that means getting back into our routines. Maybe for you that means hitting the gym again or going for a run. We all know that feeling of getting back into a routine after taking some time off: it's not always easy, but it's always worth it.   We're excited to get back to running (an...
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How to conquer the cold.

How to conquer the cold.

 As they say up my way, it’s turning! The weather is certainly feeling a lot fresher at the moment as those golden, crisp days of autumn subside and we’re waking up to a layer of frost on the trails. As nice as it is not to be drenched in sweat every time you finish a run, it can also be tricky to know how to stay comfortable once the cold kicks...
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A SMARTer New Year

A SMARTer New Year

How was your 2023? I’m willing to bet that some things went really well and other things that you wanted to happen just didn’t. Life happened instead. Surprises probably popped up that meant having to put things off; injuries may have put paid to plans or your feelings about earlier targets may have changed. Personally, my races all went to pl...
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Planning for Success: Tips for Crafting the Perfect Training Plan for Your 2024 Running Campaign

Planning for Success: Tips for Crafting the Perfect Training Plan for Your 2024 Running Campaign

Introduction You've been planning your 2024 running campaign for months, maybe even years. You've picked the perfect goal, set your sights on the right race, and nailed down your training schedule. But have you stopped to think about your training plan?   A well-crafted training plan is one of the most important tools in any runner's arsenal. Wi...
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Cheat the Chill

Cheat the Chill

 As they say up my way, it’s turning! The weather is certainly feeling a lot fresher at the moment as those golden, crisp days of autumn subside and we’re waking up to a layer of frost on the trails. As nice as it is not to be drenched in sweat every time you finish a run, it can also be tricky to know how to stay comfortable once the cold kicks...
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The ultimate guide to running at night.

The ultimate guide to running at night.

The thought of running at night can be a daunting for anyone, regardless of skill level. Understandably too, it's cold, dark and at this time of year it's also wet more often than not, but don't let that put you off. Not only is running in the dark pretty much a must if you want to train this winter (and have a day job) but with a little prep ni...
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5 tips and benefits of marshalling, Why You Should Consider doing it

5 tips and benefits of marshalling, Why You Should Consider doing it

  We love a bit of marshalling, almost as much as running in an event, so we try and give something back if we have time and help out in whatever roles are needed as marshals, maybe this will motivate you to give it a go too!  Bloworth Crossing    Ever fancied soaking up the exhilarating atmosphere of a trail race without the hard graft of runn...
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Surviving Setbacks

Surviving Setbacks

  Every now and then, life throws us a curveball. Whether you're a seasoned ultra-runner or just someone trying to stay active, setbacks can strike at any time. It might be a discouraging race, an unexpected injury, or simply a dip in motivation. However, one thing is for sure: setbacks don't have to be permanent roadblocks. With the right appro...
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How long should you rest between marathons?

How long should you rest between marathons?

“If you ever see me in a boat again, shoot me.”  After 6 minutes and 2000 metres of lactic acid inducing agony, it's not surprising that these were the first words Steve Redgrave was able to utter after adding another Olympic rowing gold to his collection. If you're a marathon runner you can relate. Those last few miles can be absolute hell and ...
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Rewilding Glen Affric

Rewilding Glen Affric

Through One Per Cent for the Planet, Chia Charge has been contributing to Trees for Life for a few years now, I thought it about time I took a look at part of the operation. I have been eyeing some of the activities they offer and a weeks Rewilding Off Grid in Glen Affric seemed a cracking idea to me, maybe not for everyone of course. These p...
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